Sunday, November 9, 2008

Good Manifestations III: Obama's the Hologram, the Real Meaning Behind the Coded Rhetoric

Now that we have wonin this time laden with post-mortem depressionnow it is the time to think...big, time to visualize the country we are to become and world we will soon see. It is clear that an Obama presidency will be a catalyst for a long list of past overdue changes that now have the political will to be viewed as possible. But I do not necessarily believe that Obama will directly implement all or any of this change himself, or even that he is the creator of the political will. On the contrary, Obama is a hologram, self-awaredly-so, who merely reflects the deep seated hopes and desires of this country and the world. Those hopes and desires are echoed by his presence and released like a flood-gate of well-pent positive energy. That's the parallel-dimensional meaning of "We are the one's we've been waiting for." That's the truth masked as self-doubt and the secret no one is spilling.

You have already seen it; you have noticed that people seem a little happier, a little nicer. It's as if a mask has been lowered, a switch has been turned on, triggered by a floating current tie of emotion that is a mix of pride and appreciation. It's the thought "We did this" wink or nod, that "yeah, we really are powerful" feeling of elation. And even with the temptation to look back and figure out how we got here, to rationalize the win with self-denial, to dissect the up until it looks like a down, there must be something good coming of this, other than an chance (or challenge) for the spin industry to convince all that it's an illusion. That is why, as a tribute, I put together this mixed list of short and long-sided predictions, inspired by the image of a 97-year-old retired Statesman Obama, surrounded by his children and grandchildren, wife by his side, as the nation commemorates his legacy to our country and the world.

  1. A new trend in children named Brarack, Obama or other Swahili names and not just by African Americans.
  2. A deliberate rise in interracial marriages and biracial births.
  3. Little black boys being seen as national assets and efforts to educate and provide healthcare for them and their mothers viewed as investments.
  4. A rise in "stock" for African American women, soon to be called the Michelle Obama effect as a new image of the trophy wife is created.
  5. A rise in low or interest-free investments in the infrastructure of African countries. (Oprah has a head start on that one.)
  6. A rise in students traveling to African and Muslim countries, creating a generation of other-world educated people disaffected by B.O. prejudices.
  7. Negotiations between waring or feuding nations (or tribes) including Israel and Palestine.
  8. A consciousness shift among the masses in repressive regimes such as North Korea and Cuba either directly following or preceding removal of U.S. sanctions.
  9. Surprising ironies, including Iraq becoming a thriving secular democracy and Bush becoming a national treasure.
  10. A wave of young, diverse, previously apathetic people pursuing careers in local and eventually higher forms of government.
  11. A divestment in the prison industrial complex, part of a chain reaction of publicly mandated investments in education, locally-targeted urban-renewal projects and the decriminalization of drugs.
  12. A surge in socially as well as legally acceptable alternative healthcare methods, following a prevention-based medical referendum that will shift medicine from a dogmatic science to an applied artform—the art of healthcare—ushering in a fleet of medical artists to "discover" creative ways to allow the "placebo effect".
  13. A rise in individuals awarded grants for work in new technologies that will ultimately benefit the nation and raise the standard of living.
  14. A completely "wired" country where ALL public places have free wireless high-speed access and all public school students have laptop computers.
  15. A shortening or elimination of high school for youth fourteen-years of age who will either enter college directly or participate in secondary internship programs which will be facilitated by a partnership between government and local business and corporations.
  16. A division of B.O. and A.O. policies and ideologies, that is before and after Obama, used in political discourse and for historical demarcation.
  17. A cross continental high-speed rail system.
  18. A Los Angeles with clean air.
  19. A Mexico with a thriving economy.
  20. A rise in inspirational TV programs and film, including a series about the Obama campaign.
  21. A new artistic renaissance inspired both by politics and infused by an expansion of arts programs in schools producing more child prodigies as well as geniuses in both art and science.
  22. A resurgence of the gentlemen expressed in pop culture and an intellectually confident and emotionally diverse masculinity found commonplace in American society.
  23. The emergence of a changing historical narrative which idealizes the relationship the racial and ethnic plurality has had with one another.
  24. People suddenly openly claiming their black or white relatives and their mixed, however distant, heritage.
  25. A redefining of American pride and service to an ever expanding umbrella along with a culture of appreciation for postal workers.
If you think I left anything out, by all means, let me know. Don't take my word for it just because the rest has already been said.